Sunday, October 23, 2011


I was reading an article this morning about nutrition myths and the number 8 item on the list was eggs. I've always eaten a lot of eggs and about the only meat I eat is chicken and seafood. More recently I started adding back in red meat and pork but it has to be disguised enough for me to stomach it. Steak = no. Hebrew National hot dog = sort of. (I actually prefer chicken hot dogs.)

Nutrition "Scare" #8: Eggs are Cholesterol Bombs!

Perhaps the biggest nutrition myth is that eggs are bad for your heart, a fact attributed to the cholesterol in the yolk. But here's the truth: The dietary cholesterol found in eggs actually has little effect on the amount of cholesterol in your blood. When it comes to increasing LDL ("bad cholesterol"), trans and saturated fats are the real culprits. The incredible, edible egg is actually an excellent, affordable source of protein and B vitamins, and it may help you lose weight. A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that dieters who consumed two eggs for breakfast each day lost significantly more weight than those who consumed bagels.

Finally, start your day right. A great breakfast will jump start your metabolism and have you burning more calories throughout the day. The wrong one might fill you up with empty calories and an entire day’s worth of fat, sugar and/or salt. Make sure you steer clear of the breakfasts in this shocking list of the 20 Worst Breakfasts in America.

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