Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Doctor's Visit

I went to see my doctor yesterday. I've lost 11.5 pounds since October 16 but I wanted something to help me out. I had an appointment at a weight loss clinic but I wanted to check with my doctor to see if the program was a good idea.

When the nursed weighed me, she thought she made a mistake and asked me to jump back on the scale. I thought she forgot to take my height. I'm not sure if she takes my height every time. She rechecked my weight and had a puzzled look on her face. I then realized that she thought she made a mistake.

I talked to my doctor about my diet and what I've been eating. I told him sometimes I was still hungry. (It all depends on the time of the month.) He talked to me about food I should eat and what I should be avoiding. He basically told me to cut out the sugar and the bread. I told him I've been doing that. He also told me to avoid red meat. A steak every now and then is fine. I told him I'm not a red meat eater so I end up eating a lot of eggs. He said that eggs are fine. My last lipid test (in September) was fine and I've never had a history of cholesterol issues.

I listed what I usually eat. The only thing he was concerned about was the agave nectar and the artificial sweeteners. He said even artificial sweeteners induce too many cravings for sugar. I use agave nectar very sparingly when I eat Greek yogurt. He was fine with what I've been doing and thought I had a pretty good start. He wrote me a prescription for phentermine. That's basically what the weight loss clinic was going to give me but for a high fee per month so I canceled the appointment.

He said he wanted to see me in a month. I should be losing ten pounds in a month on the phentermine. I'm not sure if he will give me the full four months because he said that my goal should another ten pounds. I didn't tell him that my goal was probably another 20 to 30 pounds.

I filled the phentermine at Rite Aid and it was only $27.99. I think it's cheaper at other pharmacies but Rite Aid was close to work. Yesterday they were only about to give me three pills so they had me return to get the remainder today. The pharmacist today asked me how it was working out. I told him I only started with half a dose this morning. He asked me if I drank any coffee. I said I had two cups today and was fine. I guess he was a little shocked because my BMI is actually not high enough for phentermine. I believe it's recommended for someone with a BMI of 30 or higher. I'm around 26 so I'm overweight but not overly so.

I noticed I felt pretty good but I was still slightly hungry. I'm not sure if it's because of the half dose or because it's the first day. Hopefully I don't have too much trouble sleeping tonight.

I just tried on my Asian dress today. It fits with some wiggle room. When I first got in early October, the seamstress made the bust area slightly too small -- by about or three inches. It wouldn't zip up. Now it zips all the way up and it is too big everywhere else. I'm bigger up top with almost no hips.

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